Yue  Wu


项目名称|我在想些什么(What am I thinking?)

项目指导|Gareth Proskourine-Barnett


本研究项目始于 2022 年 9 月,研究灵感来源于我的亲身经历。我有一只名叫 "豆豆 "的狗,已经养了十二年。它和我一起长大。但去年,我永远失去了它。我知道狗的寿命很短,随着时间的推移,它会在我面前离开这个世界,我不得不面对这种痛苦。但我真的很难过,每当我想起它,我就会哭泣,甚至感到沮丧。




This research project began in September 2022 and was inspired by my own experience. I have had a dog named "Bean" for twelve years. It grew up with me. But last year, I lost it forever. I know that dogs have a short life span, and as time goes by, it will leave this world in front of me, and I have to face this pain. But I am really sad and whenever I think of it, I cry and even feel depressed.
I would like to know how other pet owners deal with the death of their pets. Is it sadness, guilt or peace?
I used questionnaires and interviews to gather information and stories. I also did a lot of literature research and found out that the only colours in a dog's eyes are blue, yellow, grey and so on. The case study method, questionnaire survey, content analysis and literature analysis methods determined the content of my research and picture book, while the theoretical analysis method determined the shades of my picture book.
Fortunately, through my research, I discovered some interesting pairs of owners and pets when faced with the same situations that I wanted to continue exploring. Thus, I created this picture book titled “What am I Thinking?” To make it easier for readers to read and compare, I used a double-open book format, with the owner's point of view on the left and the dog's point of view on the right, to show their different perspectives on the same thing.





主人:我只是想抚摸小狗的头~                                           狗狗:哼!他们看起来玩的很开心

            主人:我们有相同的作息时间!                                        狗狗:他为什么还不醒来?我等了他好久了......
                主人:他一定感到很无聊吧!                                   狗狗:从洗衣机里抓取袜子并不厉害,而从主人的脚上抓取才是!

              主人:我们之间有太多的回忆,我不想让他离开......               狗狗:我不知道我怎么了,我没有力气吃饭,没有力气玩耍,我只想躺着......

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