Yue  Wu


项目名称| 设计赋能乡村振兴——小凉山彝族文化项目





作品亮相“设计下乡-为社会公益设计”专题展览2019伦敦设计节(London Design Fair 2019)并售出。

The "Design Precision Poverty Alleviation in Sichuan Xiaoliangshan Public Welfare Project" is a poverty alleviation project initiated by the China Academy of Art, with the participation of several Chinese and foreign designers and artists in various fields. During the whole year, the Xiaoliangshan team led by Associate Teacher Wu Bibo visited 12 ancient villages in Ebian and 18 traditional craftsmen, studied 6 traditional techniques, researched traditional craft materials and natural lifestyle, and tried to find a broader space for tradition with modern design.
I was honoured to participate in the later stages of the product design work, discovering traditional memories from the perspective of a designer, and redesigning natural artefacts and ethnic elements. The aim of the project is to deconstruct and reconstruct the beauty of the Yi culture in Xiaoliangshan Mountain and design cultural objects that meet the aesthetics of the contemporary public, disseminate the traditional culture of the Yi people, and promote the economic and cultural development of the local community.
The project will be exhibited and sold at the London Design Festival 2019, a special exhibition of "Designing for the Countryside - Designing for Social Good".

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